About me
Every person is a unique universe, with their own experience, emotions, thoughts and stories. This is the main reason I decided to become a psychologist and a therapist, to be able to accompany my clients in their exploration of themselves, outside world, to support them in parenting and internal growth. I work with perinatal topics from pregnancy planning to preparation for childbirth and with postpartum traumas. In parental counseling I’m working within the attachment-based developmental approach of Gordon Neufeld, which I study for the last 5 years. During consultations I realized, that I need not only to explain the child to his caregivers, but also support them in this complicated everyday role, role of a parent, grandparent, teacher.
For therapeutic work, I use emotion-imaginary therapy (EIT), it is a gentle, but effective, playful metaphorical method in which we get directly to emotions and the subconscious via images and metaphors. EIT helps efficiently in situations when life (kids, family, partner) elicit strong emotions, and we need to deal with them somehow. I also currently in training of Compassionate Inquiry (by Gabor Mate) and Person Centered Approach (by Carl Rogers). Online courses and books inspire me to use elements of Internal Family Systems (by Richard C. Schwartz), Somatic Experiencing (by Peter Levine) and Polyvagal Therapy (by Stephen Porges) in my work.

I speak Czech, English, Russian and Belarusian and do understand Slovak and Ukrainian.
A bit of bio
Born in Belarus, I’ve been living in the Czech Republic for 17 years. My husband is Czech and we have two children – a four-year-old boy and a two-year-old girl. My hobby is photography, which I have been doing for years, and I try to connect it with my psychological practice and use it in therapy.
What, where, when?
- 2006-2011 diploma of psychologist with honors at the Belarusian State Pedagogical University with Czech nostrification (corresponds to the master’s program “Psychology” at Czech universities).
- In 2011-2017, I worked as a photographer and taught, among other things, psychology at the private educational institution Study Consulting.
- 2014 course certificate Child Nutrition and Cooking 2.0 with distinction от Stanford University.
- I have been studying at the Neufeld Institute since 2017 and in addition to three Intensives I have taken courses on Discipline, Play, Play&Attachment, Emotions, Anxiety, Adolescence and a Case Study course.
- 2018 course Paranamadoula by Michele Odent and Liliana Lammers
- 2018 Birth Story Listening course by Birthing from Within
- 2018 two-day seminar by G. Neufeld on couple relationship
- 2020 Perinatal Loss course by the Czech NGO “Empty Cradle” and Czech Assosiation of Midwives
- In 2020, I started providing private consultations for parents.
- 2020-2021 certification in Perinatal psychology and psychosomatics year long programme provided by the Ukrainian Psychological Association “Psychea”
- 2021-2022 First and Second Stage of emotion-image therapy (EIT), total hours of study: 144 hours, Traumatherapy in the EIT approach, yearlong program, total hours of study: 216 hours. EIT is similar to IFS, but has more psychoanalysis and visualization/meditation elements in it.
- 2021‐present Member of the Support Center and the Practitioner’s Center at the Neufeld Institute, listed as an official Facilitator and Acting regional co-director for the Czech language program
- 2021-present PCA (person centered approach) training in Prague
- 2021 “Healing of shock trauma and PTSD based on the approaches of Dr. Peter Levine and Stephen Porges” course by Galit Serebrenik-Gai, MA, MSW, SE
- 2022 Individual and Group crisis intervention, ASSYST protocol course
- Sept 2022- Sept 2023 Compassionate Inquiry training by Gabor Maté
I am constantly educating myself and in order to provide quality services regularly attend supervision and personal therapy sessions.
Prices (from 1.8.2023)
Online consultation (60 min) – 2 000 CZK (85 euro)
Online therapy (60 min) – 2 000 CZK (85 euro)
In person consultation (60 min) – 2 200 CZK (95 euro)
In person therapy (60 min) – 2 200 CZK (95 euro)
You will be charged the full session fee, if the session is cancelled less than 1 hour before it starts.
E-mail: xenie.majznerova(at)gmail.com
Whatsapp: +420 775 227 812